Reliance Jio has managed to shake up the Indian telecom industry with its 4G services offering everyone free access for months. However, until now, it was uncertain how massive their reach has gotten in the brief period since Mukesh Ambani unveiled the welcome offer. Today, the company, in a press release, has finally revealed that they’ve crossed a whopping figure of 16 Million subscribers in merely a month crowning it as the first telecom operator in the world to do so.
Adding further on the event, Mr. Mukesh D. Ambani, Chairman, Reliance Industries Limited, said, “We are delighted and humbled by the overwhelming response across India to the Jio Welcome Offer. Jio is built to empower every Indian with the power of data. We are delighted that people have recognized this and are utilizing our services to the fullest. We are customer-obsessed and committed to improve every day to exceed expectations of our customers.”
Reliance Jio has been offering complimentary access to its 4G network and entertainment suite since the first of September 2016. Before that, the scheme was only available for a selected handsets and their homebrewed Lyf lineup which obviously wasn’t free to acquire. The commercial launch, although, is slated for January 1st, 2017. Although, Jio definitely needs to enhance their connection points as customers are constantly facing network drops and due to their disputes with the competition, calls are almost impossible to make. It is certainly effortless to lure in users when the “paying” factor isn’t involved, we’ll have to wait until next year to actually see how Reliance actually performs in the market.
Also Read: Reliance Jio
For easing the registration process, Jio recently also introduced Aadhaar-based paper-less SIM activation across 3,100 cities and towns, through which customers can have a functional card in a matter of minutes. Reliance says it will be extended soon to remaining areas in the coming weeks.
Furthermore, the company has announced offers for new iPhones purchased from a chosen stores will be getting 12 months of complimentary access to its Digital services. The scheme is valid for a range of devices including the iPhone 6s, 6s Plus, SE, 7 and 7 Plus in a selected number of cities – Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, and Bengaluru. To know more, head over to our detailed post.
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